Don’t Let Love Go To Waste...

The 8 Hidden Forces That Can Break Your Marriage…Or MAKE Your Marriage

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And Learn How To Harness Them To Work FOR You!

Feeling like a thriving marriage is just not in the cards for you?

Is your marriage struggling? Has the ‘D’ word been tossed around casually and even forcefully by your significant other?
You may be wondering if the next fight will be the straw that broke the camel’s back…


Thinking how much easier life would be if you just threw in the towel now...
Yet the very thing that stops you from throwing up your hands and just being done, is the same thing that had you commit to the relationship from the beginning.


And where there is…
  • Hesitation
  • ​Anger
  • ​Pain
  • ​Uncertainty
There is still a chance that your marriage can be saved. Because the opposite of love isn’t’s INDIFFERENCE.

Master Certifications

Let’s face it…you still love your spouse or you wouldn’t be here considering downloading this information...

There’s a part of you that is still wanting to save your marriage and turn it into a thriving partnership.

But you just don’t know how to do that by yourself.


This Exclusive Content Reveals These 8 Powerful Forces Where You Will:

  • Learn the 8 forces that spell trouble for your relationship before any of them completely breaks your bond
  • ​Discover why you and your partner keep fighting over everything, small and big
  • ​Learn how to stop the nasty fight before it blows up in your face
  • ​Learn the difference between a healthy disagreement and a toxic argument

Because once you understand these 8 FORCES… you’ll then understand how to step into a more harmonious approach!

It’s never too late to get back to the love you truly want for your relationship…

  • What if you could understand your partner better now than ever before?
  • How would your life be without the constant stress of a spiraling relationship?
  • What if instead of blaming yourself or your partner, you instead stepped into growth and understanding?
  • ​What would it look like to fall back in love again with your spouse and have everyone TALKING ABOUT how close you two are?
Let that sink in for a moment…

Everything you could want in a relationship can be yours, and you can thrive when you know how to stop conflict right in its tracks!

About Dee Tozer

Hi, I’m Dee Tozer, honored to help you!

Until recently I have been a Psychologist providing Couples and Relationship Therapy across 3 decades. On my quest to help couples find relief from heartache and get back to love in a timely and speedy way I have sought out teachings from the great world experts in Couples Therapy. This has equipped me to now pivot to an effective coaching and mentoring approach to guiding Couples towards a sustainable long lasting close togetherness. Across 3 decades guiding more than 5,000 couples I have seen what embracing the joy of camaraderie does to revitalize a marriage.

Over these 30 years many, many of the people who came to see me for help with anxiety or depression, were actually caught up in conflict with their mate and it became clear that if I could help couples build a safe and sound emotional life together then anxiety and depression were significantly decreased and often disappeared. Hence my passion was ignited.

Exclusive Content Reveals These 8 Powerful Forces:

  • Learn the 8 forces that spell trouble for your relationship before any of them breaks your bond
  • Discover why you and your partner keep fighting over everything, small and big
  • Learn how to stop the nasty fight before it blows up in your face
  • ​Learn the difference between a healthy disagreement and a toxic argument


Dee Tozer, Couples Master Coach TM | Copyright 2021 | 
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